Sunday, August 31, 2008

Update --- the end of the boat trip!

I haven't posted for quite a while! Richard and I had a great tour of the Brother XII house in Nanaimo that was for sale. It was intriguing but an awful lot of work to restore it to it's former glory. We spent an unexpected overnight and day at the Nanaimo fisherman's dock as our raw water intake pump broke -- just as we left the dock. No damage to anything but a delay of 6 hours while we tracked down a mechanic to refit a part to a spare that we had on-board.

On our way, we went to Butchart Gardens, grabbing an anchor buoy and touring the Gardens in the hot summer sun. It was in full bloom and a real treat to see again.

We went off to Fulford Harbour the next day and that is where the beginning of the end of our trip occurred. As we were walking into town to have lunch, I sprained my ankle quite badly, tearing ligaments and pulling tendons. Lot's of drama but the synopsis is that we headed home early the next day as my ankle continued to balloon and turn a range of red, blue, green, orange and yellow. It will soon be two weeks since it happened and I am just now off crutches for short distances. It does get better every day but has been a real frustration.

Our little grandson Matthew, had his open heart surgery postponed to Sept. 8th. Rich and I will be up in Canada for that week looking after the family. After Matthew gets out of the hospital in about a week, we will come home and bring brother Simon with us for a week so that Matthew can have a quite recovery time at home.

Hope you all enjoyed the boating blog!

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