Saturday, August 9, 2008

Moore Bay -- the Picnic!

Moore Bay is a wonderfully large bay with a number of little crooks in it to safely anchor. Prawning is said to be good here so the first order of the day was to set the prawn traps down.

The sun is hot and there isn't a cloud in the sky -- a perfect day for a picnic. B.C. Forest Services has a little dock and a park for boaters and kayakers on the other side of the bay and we make our way over to check it out, picnic in hand.

Bernie and Richard checking out the old growth forest trees. This one is an "Eternal" Tree where enough wood was carved out to use for whatever purpose (canoe, shelter, etc.) and the tree was left to continue growing...

It's hard to explain how this forest reaches the sky!

We find a table of rocks and enjoy our picnic lunch.

A view from our picnic spot -- Moore Bay
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