Friday, August 8, 2008

Heading back down from the North

BC Ferry in Lama Passage going up to Bella Bella with the weekly restocking for the store, mail, passengers and other parcels.

It get's real foggy out her in the mornings -- sometimes it's cleared by noon, othertimes it's there all day as it was this day making our way down Fitz Hugh Sound. We're thankful for electronic charting and our digital radar!!

We're thankful that some of the lighthouses are still manned. They are a welcomming site on a foggy day.

Our escort as we make our way down Fitz Hugh Sound.

We make our way into "Big FryPan Cove" on Penrose Island. We'll be here a while since a storm is brewing. It's Sunday and we'll get out Thursday as the storm subsides and we can cross Queen Charlotte Sound. More later....
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