Saturday, August 9, 2008

Catching up to now....

We whiled away the days waiting for the storm to blow itself out -- here I am yet again, scraping varnish!! We played lots of games and had many good dinners together with Mya II and Golden Days as we waited out the weather.

We left Big Fry Pan with the storm now resolved and took off into the open ocean and over to Port McNeill. Richard had a part shipped up for the boat (and elbow for the engine which after 30 years developed pin hole leaks). The part was waiting for us after our uneventful crossing over to Port McNeill. We had a chance to get laundry done, restock the larder, fix the elbow and to have a great dinner out at the Sportsman's Cafe as we joined Pat and Bernie and Donna in celebration of Jack's birthday.

We left the next day with slightly windy skies but a short trip back over to the Broughtons.

This is the site of "New Vancouver" where the Tribe from Mammaliculla was moved. It's a wonderful village full of nicely architected houses and a great dock.

The Long House at New Vancouver

New Vancouver as seen from the Point

We are told that they will "tolerate" Yachties mooring on their docks and taking on water but do not look kindly on any walking about on shore. This is not in our plan in any event and we make our way to our next point of discovery -- the Chief's Bathtub!
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