Tuesday, August 12, 2008

On the Way Back Down

Our last stop in the Broughton's before we head back down south is the Lodge on Cordero Channel. It is owned by a German couple who also have a restaurant on the dock and serve up a fantastic German meal. The Schnitzel is out of this world.
The dock at Cordero Lodge

We are up and off by 10 am to make sure we have a smooth trip through the two Oskiollo Rapids and arrive at Octopus Island Marine Park -- a terrific spot, albeit crowded.

A few from the dinghy in the Octopus Island Group

The Bos'un Chair -- Will, do you remember doing this same thing?

Here we are all tucked in our corner of the Octopus Group.
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1 comment:

Will Tomkinson said...

Bosun's chair: That was the best boat fun a kid could ask for. It made 6.5 knots seem speedy.