Saturday, July 26, 2008

A trip through the Ghost Town

The firehouse at Ocean Falls -- when the town went up for auction the fire truck was sold for $85,000 to Bella Bella. Now inside you will find storage of what? Why wood of course, so easy to burn......

Richard standing in front of a building that is being reclaimed by Herb Carpenter (an American who spends his summers up here). Herb has our local character "Nearly Normal Norman" helping him with the effort.

Looking towards the Martin Hotel, building about 1945 - expanded and at it's closing had 750 rooms. As you walk by you can see the broken windows with curtains flying through -- and wonder about all the people that stayed there when this town was thriving.

This may be a bit difficult to interpret but it is a bridge between the plant and the town (taken from the town side) that collapsed in the storms this past winter. It seems that the minions in government can't decide which government is responsible for fixing it -- provincial, department of highways? , oceans & fisheries? so on it goes and now the few workers that go to the power plant to work each day take a little boat since they can no longer walk over the bridge.
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