Saturday, July 26, 2008

Awe Inspiring Fiordland

We have left civilization behind again (well at least a ghost town of 41 people) to head up Mathison Channel to what the province now calls "Fiordland". It is designated a wilderness marine park area and it is a not to be missed adventure. I am quite sure most folks in BC are unaware of the fiord like inlets up here in the north country. They must be so similar to Norway -- but I'll let you know that after our trip next year!

Taken off the bow of the boat with the burgee in view to give you a perspective of how it's easy to tuck up right against most of the waterfalls. We're are probably in over 150 feet of water here.

An impressive site -- one of the larger falls in the area -- we caught Bernie and Pat's boat Golden Days in fine form!

Out the starboard side door of A cappella -- we could feel the waterfall's mist on our faces!

Once through Mathison we entered Mussel Inlet and our spot for the night -- Poison Cove -- so named because four of Captain Vancouver's men ate the mussels from this cove and died of paraletic poisioning. Mmmmm -- no shell fish tonight!
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