Saturday, July 26, 2008

Klemtu Touring...

During our walk around town and up to the Church we were met by two fellows (Ray and John) who offered to give us a tour of the inside of the church -- they are both caretakers and were proud to show it off. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures other than this one of the church bell. The inside of the church was lovely. About 20 wooden pews and wonderful wooden pulpit and altar. The stain glass windows each commemorated an event or person in the life of the village and Ray was able to tell us all about each of them. They do not have a minister locally but they have lay people and in the summer, the Mission boat comes up (it's on the dock today) and holds services and fellowships.

Outside the church, the original missionary ministers are buried in above ground tombs. It is very apparent that these early ministers are greatly honored.

Richard rows us over to the Big House for our Tour (see the House in the background).

Now, we've also been invited by Frances Robinson, an elder in the village, to tour the Big House. Other yachties as well as the mission ship crew have also been invited. It's a special privilege. Frances is about 75 or 80 years old and volunteers to show the house and tell its story. Frances' father is from the Raven Clan and his Mother was from the Orca Clan. Because the First Nations society is matriarchal , Frances is from the Orca Clan.

At the entrance to the Big House in Klemtu. The house was finished in 2002. Carvers from Bella Bella and Port Hardy did the carving and painting.

The interior is an incredible space and this is where Frances sits us down to tell us of his Tribe and Clan.
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