Saturday, July 26, 2008


We leave Mya II and Golden Days as they make their way further north and we separate to investigate the village of Klemtu and environs beyond. Richard has an itch to do some boating on the "outside" so we'll start our tour here.

Boat Bluff Lighthouse and Weather Station -- we've seen so much green, blue & grey it was great to see color for a change!!

The Village of Klemtu - a Kitasoo tribal village presents an interesting walkabout. The town has about 500 people, many newly build homes, a church and both elementary and high schools. The band store was open for us, however, the next ferry boat with provisions is a week away so they were not able to offer much in the area of fresh vegetables -- so we'll dine on carrots & cabbage until our next stop.
Richard at the entrance to Klemtu

The Tribe continues to carve poles for their houses.

If you look closely, you'll see a "real" Raven on the adjoining roof-top. The village has the wolf, orca, raven and eagle clans all represented.

At the high-school building in Klemtu -- an example of the modern and well established facilities that the Band manages and provides for the Tribe. Everyone was very friendly and we were invited to view the Church and the "Big House" which I'll talk about in a later post.
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