Monday, August 17, 2009

Wesley's Visit to Martha's Beach

We came home on Sunday after a week with Michael and Aaron with us on the boat. A shift change happened at 419 Umatilla Drive and Les, Steve and the boys left as Will, Briana and Wesley arrived. Will went on to 'busyness' in Seattle and we spent a great few days with Briana and Wesley. Our little guy is in to everything -- music, poems, building towers and the big favorites -- the Excavator and the Beach.

The commander of Martha's Beach

The busy excavator.

Grandpa and Wesley examine the crab.

... and the sand fleas!

The very best trick was throwing stones and sticks into the water as the tide came in. Although it was very traumatic for Wes to leave the beach, Grandpa took him again the next day and they once again cleared the beach of stones and sticks.
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