Saturday, August 22, 2009

Doin the Labrynth Walk...

We left Poulsbo and crossed back across the sound, anchoring for a lunch stop north of Pt. Wells. There was a beautiful beach and above on the cliff you could see humungous English style manor houses. As interesting as that was, we discovered the beach activities to be much more entertaining.

Our unfettered friends were drawing a labrynth in the sand and we watched them walk the maze while we ate our lunch.

We fancied that the men (about 10 of them) were monks from the manor house above -- makes for a good story doesn't it.

After an afternoon push up the sound we anchored in Tulalip Bay (near Marysville) and had a swarm of birds around the boat as the sun was setting. They clearly found a cappella's handrails a superior perch!

As the sky greys, the sun sets on Tulalip. It's Friday and we're off to finish our weekend with a trip to Coupeville and then wend our way home for Sunday night.
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1 comment:

Will Tomkinson said...

I have a customer from Kansas visiting coupeville this week. Dya think you could meet up with him and take him on a day trip?