Tuesday, August 18, 2009

August 16 - Back on the Boat Again

Saturday night we returned to LaConner and were back on the boat again after the Birthday party festivities. We left Sunday morning to fuel up at the LaConner Marina and were just in time to see the parade of boats exiting the marina from the weekend wooden boat festival. The entertainment was welcome since there was quite a line up at the fuel dock.

We meandered our way down Skagit Bay to Possession Sound and anchored north of Possession Point on the East side of Whidbey Island for the night.

Monday morning's sunrise was beautiful.

We discovered that this spot is an ant magnet and spent the morning ridding the gunnels of the little beasties before we made our way down Puget Sound.

Along down the Sound we came across this purse seiner -- a rare sight these days on West Coast waters. He was just bringing up his purse net so we stopped to eye the catch.

The purse in now, full of mostly pinks.

But the big treat for us was the silver coho that the skipper flung over to our back deck. This lushious 15 pounder was gratis -- and worth every minute of the anticipation of the net coming up. We'll be eating salmon all week!
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1 comment:

Will Tomkinson said...

Dang! I am envious. With the price of salmon now.... hmmmn