Monday, August 3, 2009

Leaving Sucia

After the picnic - Mike, Grandma and Aaron ready to depart Shallow Bay for the boat.

Mike steers Grandma in the Kayak back to the boat.

We pulled anchor mid afternoon and headed down the west side of Orcas Island to West Sound. We anchored near Skull Island in Massacre Bay for the night. Victim island is close by. These eerie names come from the circa 1850's attack on the Lummi tribe by the dastardly Haidas who raided from the north taking slaves and killing the rest of the inhabitants.

This noose hangs eerily on a tree on Skull Island.

After a pleasant evening and two games of Sequence (1 won by Grandma and Mike; 1 won by Aaron and Grandpa) we had a sound night and off today (Monday) for East Sound and some internet time. More later.....
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