Monday, August 3, 2009

Off Again -- with Grandchildren Onboard

We had a good few days at home to do our laundry, pay bills and restock the boat's pantry before we boarded Michael and Aaron on Friday night. While at home, our Magnolia (Victoria) delighted us with it's blooms. Everything in the garden was bone dry with this wonderful weather we've been having.

We left early Saturday morning and after 6 hours of crusing north, anchored for play and hi-jinks at Sucia Island. The weather was hot and sunny with warm breezes. It felt very much like the tropics.

Not long after anchoring, the boys were on the water again -- Michael in the Kayak, Aaron & Grandpa in the dinghy. Disappointlingly, the kicker motor that we just had repaired, conked out after 5 minutes. Not a enjoyful situation!

Grandpa and Mike readying the kayak.

Aaron and Grandpa in the first 5 minutes while the dinghy motor was still working!! They had to row back.

Nothing better than being a teenager enjoying the solitude away from cloying grandparents.

We watched the sun go down over the entrance to the bay and came into the boat to find the young'uns had already expired -- too much fun I guess.
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