Saturday, August 22, 2009

Doin the Labrynth Walk...

We left Poulsbo and crossed back across the sound, anchoring for a lunch stop north of Pt. Wells. There was a beautiful beach and above on the cliff you could see humungous English style manor houses. As interesting as that was, we discovered the beach activities to be much more entertaining.

Our unfettered friends were drawing a labrynth in the sand and we watched them walk the maze while we ate our lunch.

We fancied that the men (about 10 of them) were monks from the manor house above -- makes for a good story doesn't it.

After an afternoon push up the sound we anchored in Tulalip Bay (near Marysville) and had a swarm of birds around the boat as the sun was setting. They clearly found a cappella's handrails a superior perch!

As the sky greys, the sun sets on Tulalip. It's Friday and we're off to finish our weekend with a trip to Coupeville and then wend our way home for Sunday night.
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Dyes Inlet and Poulsbo

We left Bainbridge for the Pennisula to spend some time at Dyes Inlet which we had not been to before. It is quite uninteresting. The town of Silverton didn't draw us in and we anchored out in the middle of the inlet enjoying the antics of the water skiers and speedboats and eventually a quiet and beautiful evening.

Next morning early (to take advantage of the current) we sped our way to Poulsbo. We anchored toward the end of the bay and dinghed over to the dock for a good stretch and walk about.

My dear late, late great great something.... the Viking in front of the Sons of Norway Hall.

We strolled by the SON Hall and drat -- they had a norwegian lunch that day open to all but closed 5 minutes before we arrived.
After our amble around town, we stopped at the new restaurant overlooking the marina (Latitudes) and had a quenching beer (Dad) and Iced Tea (me). It must have been close to 100 F -- a real hot one. The restaurant had something I've not seen before -- misters on the deck to cool the patrons. Quite effective. After our stop, I HAD to go to Sluys bakery to pick up my fix of lefse, down then to the used book store and back onboard for another salmon summer.

Evening begins over the pretty town of Poulsbo -- note the white church on the hill.

and to all a goodnight....
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Eagle Harbor

Another great sunny day and as we put out from Seattle Bell Harbor Marina about noon Tuesday. We cruised the short hop across the sound to Bainbridge's Eagle Harbor.

Rather a deceiving picture -- this taken from Eagle Harbor -- it has the view of Seattle downtown across the Sound. The Eagle Harbor community is much like one would think of the Hamptons - very chi chi. We had a hamburger at the local pub on the dock at Winslow, then cruised the harbor gawking at all the gorgeous waterfront homes.

On our way out of the harbor, we caught some boys in their summer-time fun, diving of the channel marker.

As we made our way to Dyes inlet for the evening anchor -- Mount Rainier provided a gorgeous backdrop!
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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Seattle - more attractions!

The market was up 3 blocks from the new marina - very convenient. Of course what would a trip to Seattle be without that other main attraction -- Nordstrom's.

Mom outside Nordstrom's rack. Unfortunately there was nothing to entice me today.
We walked further and found our spot for dinner at the Brooklyn Cafe and Oyster Bar. After a satisfying meal (and I didn't have to cook it!), we rambled around to the Harbor Steps, down to the Amusement Park Pier and back to the Marina.

Dad in the evening sunset watching the Washington State ferry put in to port.

Tuesday morning now and after a delicious and free shower at the marina, I'm using the free marina internet to update the blog. Great amenities here -- worthy of many return trips. The only tricky thing will be the weather since Ellliott Bay can get quite stinky in the winter time.

Dad has taken a walk up to Pioneer Square to peruse the Art Galleries. We'll leave around noon and head over to Eagle Harbor on Bainbridge Island for lunch and possibly overnight.
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If this is Monday, it must be Seattle!

The Seattle skyline greated us as we entered Elliott Bay to try out the new downtown Bell Harbor marina. Although we've never been before, the entrance to the marina was quite straightforward and the facilities great. It is located near pier 66 and the new convention center. Just at the top of the dock is Anthony's restaurant.

Lots of fun at the waterfront. Here is one of the more adventuresome activities. Buffy do you remember parasailing on Lake Okanagan?

What would a trip be to Seattle without a visit to Pike Place Market?

The colors, sights and sounds were as entertaining as ever.
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August 16 - Back on the Boat Again

Saturday night we returned to LaConner and were back on the boat again after the Birthday party festivities. We left Sunday morning to fuel up at the LaConner Marina and were just in time to see the parade of boats exiting the marina from the weekend wooden boat festival. The entertainment was welcome since there was quite a line up at the fuel dock.

We meandered our way down Skagit Bay to Possession Sound and anchored north of Possession Point on the East side of Whidbey Island for the night.

Monday morning's sunrise was beautiful.

We discovered that this spot is an ant magnet and spent the morning ridding the gunnels of the little beasties before we made our way down Puget Sound.

Along down the Sound we came across this purse seiner -- a rare sight these days on West Coast waters. He was just bringing up his purse net so we stopped to eye the catch.

The purse in now, full of mostly pinks.

But the big treat for us was the silver coho that the skipper flung over to our back deck. This lushious 15 pounder was gratis -- and worth every minute of the anticipation of the net coming up. We'll be eating salmon all week!
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Birthday: Fun in the Park #4

Can you believe that they all held still for this one? All the grandkids (except for Solomon who was sadly at home in bed with a cold) - Emily, Wesley, Grandpa, Mattie, Michael, Simon and Aaron.

Mattie loved the wave slide.

I'm next Grandpa..

Wesley and his favorite girl!
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Birthday: Fun in the Park #3

Peek-a-Boo from Mattie

Peek-a-Boo from Wesley

Peek-A-Boo from Michael
At the Alouette River beach in the park.

But I have more stones to throw, I can't go home.....
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Birthday: Fun in the Park #2

The children's adventure playground was fascinating -- it also including a spray pool that some Grandma's had a hard time keeping kids out of in their day clothes.

Wesley the monkey and his faithful pal Emily climb the monkey bars.

Fun on the merry-go-around.

I'm right behind you!

TA DA! Oh Grandma, I have to pause for a photo op at the top of the slide?
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Birthday: Fun in the Park #1

The weather was kind to us and after a short dibble of the wet stuff it was time for fun.
Grandpa Tomkinson and Aaron ready themselves for a game of Bocci.

The big wide open field next to the river was a perfect spot for a bit of soccer.

Mattie was very sucessful keeping the ball away from Grandpa -- probably has something to do with his Auzzie heritage.

Emily, Wesley & Aaron try out the balance beam.

Grandpa shows the boys how the wave maker works -- to their delight.
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Birthday: The Watermelon was scrumptious

Helen and Emily enjoying slurping down the Watermelon. Too bad I didnt' catch Grandma Joan doing it!

Grandma Thomas and Leslie take five for a watermelon break.

Grandpa Thomas lays back to enjoy the treat.

Paul waits for Mattie to come back and take another bite.....
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