Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Oak Bay and Blethering

After a short cruise over to Oak Bay we docked at the Marina for a day and night in Oak Bay. The Marina facilities were many, however their washrooms and showers left much to be desired. For $55/night it was disappointing. The town of Oak Bay is a short hike away - about 1/2 mile amongst pretty little and large homes and condos. Many of the older homes were very English in their architecture and all a delight to the eye.

Our first stop had to be the Blethering Place for lunch! Dad had bangers and mash, while I had Welsh Rarebit.

A stroll around town and a visit to Starbucks for internet for me and a roam around the art galleries for Dad. Delightful street scapes here, very typical of the Island.

We couldn't resist a trip back to the Blethering Place for late 'tea'. I blew my otherwise healthy diet by treating myself to scones, clotted cream and strawberry preserves.

Dad satisfied his sweet tooth with a generous portion of treacle pudding.

Both were yummy and well worth a special trip to Oak Bay just to enjoy some English favorites.

Saturday we made our way back home first a stop for customs at Friday Harbor where we yet again get a new questions from the customs agent -- how long have you known her (question for Dad)? do you have any rum? did you have any guests on board while in Canada? So, I guess they're suspicious of Canadians marrying Americans, demon rum and Canadians leaving germs on board when visiting the boat. Should have told them we were importing the Canadian Health Care system..... that would have caused near apoplexy.

We crossed Haro Strait and made Deception Pass at slack tide and then anchored in Skagit Bay to enjoy the rest of the afternoon and were entertained in the evening with thunder and lightning storm. Sunday dawned hot sunny and clear so we stayed to soak up the day before heading home after dinner. Cate and Dan saw us at the dock from their sailboat Mythirandr (sp?) and we were given great welcome home hugs at the dock. After sharing a glass of wine with the world's best neighbors -- and catching up, we ended a delightful day.

Dad and I will be home for 4 days getting chores looked after. The dinghy engine became quite unreliable and it's in getting an overhaul. We'll pick it up on Friday along with our big guys Mike and Aaron and be off again Saturday morning to enjoy the Islands with our grandsons. Leslie and Steve will enjoy a peaceful week sans enfants at home in LaConner.

It is sweltering hot in LaConner and although enjoyable it does slow us down. The evenings have been cool enough to sleep though.

More over the weekend as we cruise the San Juans with the boys.......
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Will Tomkinson said...

Ah the Blethering Place. I Think I had a happy memory there once but I cant remember.

Bird said...

Yes Will indeed you did. Do you remember all the pictures of the Queen and Winston Churchill? There were also Rupert books and stuffed gollywogs....