Saturday, July 11, 2009


On July 4th our very independently minded daughter, Jocelyn, turned 30! The whole family gathered for a surprise party in Queen's Park in New Westminster to fete her and the day! Although she knew she was going to a picnic, we hadn't told her that we were coming in from the sea to join in the festivities! So, brother, and brother in-laws, sisters and sister-in-law, extended family and friends joined together to mark the milestone.

We dined on burgers and hot dogs and watched the young'uns cavort. A great day!

Jocelyn looking at her quilt made out of old Tshirts from her pre and teen years - her Mother's attempt at domestic sewing skills.

And a gift from Dad -- the painting that she salivated after for some time -- she's finally arrived -- and has one of Dad's best paintings.

The "cousins" get in some good play time together!

You da boss Simon!

Solomon's scooter was a big hit!

1 comment:

Will Tomkinson said...

gr8 photos! I loved every minute of it.