Monday, July 13, 2009

Adios Olga, Hello Eastsound!

Dad enjoys a chocolate ice-cream as we leave Olga and head out to Rudd Bay -- close to Eastsound on Orcas.

Acappella anchored in Rudd Bay, Eastsound, Orcas Island. Our dinghy trip takes us to the bustling community of Eastsound, the major commercial area on Orcas Island. It's about the size of Ganges on Saltspring Island and has many services for the tourist and boaters. We spent the night on the hook in Rudd Cove and took the dinghy over to town in the morning. Breakfast and internet consumed enough time to spend before the Saturday morning market opened.

The Episcopal Church annex has a labyrinth on the lawn overlooking the sound. Stay tuned for scumptious pictures of the market!
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