Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sidney Spit -- nothing better!

Here we are at Sidney Spit. The sun is shining, the sand is warm and the picnic on the beach was great. Here's Dad applying some of his 50 weight lotion.

It seems that the sand goes on forever here. We take a walk right out to the end of the spit and on the way, Dad practices his high wire act.

Hey, Jocelyn -- this one's for you! The Canadian Navy ship anchored near the spit gave some of their hotties a bit of shore leave......

The walk to the end of the spit is about 3/4 mile both ways. Our dinghy is docked where you see the trees in the back of the picture.

And here we both are at the light at the end of the Spit. Buffy -- the picture you have of Aunt Marian and girls was taken at this same spot (only about 70 years ago...)


Jocelyn said...

Oh mom. (eye rolling.)

Joan said...

I am researching some of my family history in Sidney by "Googling" my great grandfather "Colin Caird Cochran" and came across your blog. Looks like we are likely somewhat related, albeit rather distant. Like your pictures of Sidney! Colin and my extended family are buried at the Holy Trinity Cemetary over by Patricia Bay in Sidney. Maybe George is there too? If you happen to have any further information on Colin, I would love to hear from you @ Thanks! Joan Jansen