Thursday, June 5, 2008

Gulf Island Meandering June 3-5th

June 3, 2008

Winter Cove looking out through Boat Pass.

We spent a quiet night in Winter Cove with a view of the Sunset from Boat Pass. A few hours scraping the varnish from the handrails and deck were the orders of the afternoon. A few hours each day and we should have it done by the time we get home!

S.V. Robertson heading to Davey Jones locker.

The Sailing Vessel Robertson that ran aground sadly sinks in the Cove – what a shame…. A humble reminder to all professional skippers -- even you need to keep your head about you. I personally think it was a lack of supervision.

This morning we moseyed over to Lyall Harbor (where the Ferry comes to at Saturna) in the hopes of finding a good internet connection. The dock-side Pub and Store were closed until noon but a kindly islander enquired as to what we were looking for and then told us that the Co-Op General store was only “10 minutes” that-away. She also gave us a brochure of the Island – sort of a human roving Chamber of Commerce booth she was. No public laundry facilities are available on the Island because water is so precious. We weren’t desperate to do laundry so off we went up the hill for our 10 minute walk to the store. After 25 minutes up-hill we arrived at the Co-Op. Sorry guys, we forgot out camera. Stewart McLean would have a field day with the characters in the store. Jon, the owner also bakes Oatmeal cookies as a specialty. The store was well stocked including a liquor store and a ‘serve yourself’ café. We were offered use of the internet gratis with a refrain that, “our place is your place – help yourself”. After a couple of hours warming up from the drizzling walk and getting our emails, etc. we buy our groceries and head back (down this time) to the dock. It turns out the store was only “10” minutes that-away – if you are going down hill. Back onboard, we complete a systems check and the Captain is well pleased with A cappella’s state of being.

Off now to Hope Island to moor for a few hours and visit the new reconstruction of the historic store that burned down about 2003. We arrive in a drizzle and get lucky as a boater is ready to leave the dock. Tied up at the public dock and visited the store – the building is faithfully reconstructed but the contents are now all fru fru. We enjoyed the Art Gallery next door and the restaurant and café look well occupied. There was a wonderful old farmhouse for sale just “10 mins” down the road. So, we took a walk and about 20 minutes later found Corbett House on Corbett Road. A delightful 1902 farmhouse that has been used as a B&B for the past twenty years. We didn’t go in but enjoyed musing about the possibilities.

After our walk, we decided to be off to Otter Bay for the night at anchor. Around the top of North Pender there are many wonderful homes looking out at us. We decide to drop the anchor inside of Roe Islet (named so because of the original pioneer family that settled there). Rich went off exploring in the dinghy and I mooched a bit. Alas, all my buzz bomb would catch is two baby dog fishes. We are not in enough depth for the tasty salmon to be lured in by my rusty technique.

It’s very pretty out our forward windows – islands in the distance and the inter-island ferry plying its way along the waters. Pictures to follow in another post.

Today we left Annette Bay on Prevost Island and headed over to Ganges and thankfully a laundry, pump out and internet access! More pictures will follow on this delightful, albeit commercial venue. We are expecting William, Briana, Wesley; Jocelyn and Paul Rushton tomorrow (Friday). Jocelyn is itching to try out the new kayak. Will, Bree & Paul will attend a friend's wedding on the island. Hope the sun comes out!!

1 comment:

Will Tomkinson said...

Prepare to repel boarders!