Monday, June 23, 2008

The Remarkable Princess Louisa Chatterbox Falls

We're finally back in the land of the digital bits swirling about our bow so it's time to give you all an update.

Just past the Eco Barge in Nanaimo -- I guess this eagle can't read!

We left Nanaimo complete with a new radar on-board and the lockers full to the brim with provisions for the trip North. Out of Departure Bay we saw the new super ferries complete with the 2010 Olympic logos. They are beautiful.

The new BC Ferry with the Olympic Logo

The north end of Newcastle island was also quite interesting with rocks that formed like the hoodoos in Alberta (and South Dakota too).

Rock formations at the North end of Newcastle Island

The crossing was quite pleasant over to the mainland side and perfectly flat when we arrived at our anchorage in Bargain Bay, just south of Pender Harbor. It was indeed a great bargain -- no moorage fees at anchor and a calm night with a gorgeous sunset!

Freill Falls on the way up to Harmony Islands

Next day we made for our first stop on the way to Princess Louisa -- the Harmony Islands.

The beautiful little islands are part private and part marine park. We anchored on the little islet that until now has not had a name -- we have dubbed it Neptune's cradle. Richard will regale you all with the longer tale given the reason for it's name. I shall just tell you that we butted upagainst the rocks for a while but with no harm done
Neptune's Cradle Harmony Islands

After 4 hours of cruising and being unsure we could make it to Malibu Rapids for slack, we decided to anchor for the night in Deserted Bay on Prince of Wales Reach. We saw our first bear on the beach tromping through the debris left at low tide searching for tasty oysters and clams. He didn't stay around long enough to get his picture taken. The day was drizzly and the evening eerily foggy and fascinating. We were safe and snug in our boat. It reminded me of many a weekend at the end of Pitt Lake with the clouds and mountains closing in on us.

Deserted Bay, Princess Royal Reach

Safe and Snug aboard Acappella in Deserted (spooky) Bay

The Captain relaxes after a long day crusing!

After we up anchored from Deserted Bay, it was then truly deserted! It had once been an Indian Village, now long abandoned. At the north end of the bay there was a beautiful stream and the steam sizzled up to greet us as we made our way past on the way to Princess Louisa Inlet.

Cruising up to the Stream in Deserted Bay

The Steamy Stream at Deserted Bay

The day cruising through Malibu Rapids and up Princess Louisa's Inlet was fabulous.
The totem pole at the Malibu Rapids Camp Lodge

Approaching Malibu Rapids in bound to Princess Louisa Inlet

On our way up the Inlet we could drive right in to waterfalls -- here's one giving me a spray!

We arrived at the dock and met up with a couple from Oregon (49' Defever) who had been traveling up with us the day before. Princess Louisa's Chatterbox falls is a marvel of nature and awesome to have right in your backyard.

The dock at Princess Louisa Marine Park and Chatterbox Falls in the Backyard!

After securing the boat, we launched the kayak and paddled up one of the other falls about half way up the inlet. The kayak was fun -- but the arms were achy the first day! We beached the kayak and took a short hike up to the first fall. We are told that kids 'bum' down the falls on the smooth rocks going down to the inlet. The forest was fabulous with trees and ferns blocking out the sunlight and the smells were deliciously fresh.

Even with all this beauty around us, the varnish still needs to be scraped!

Richard picked some oysters on the beach -- which were very bountiful. We later found out why -- there is a moratorium on harvesting shellfish in the inlet so back in the water they went.

Returning to the big dock we discovered that the Schooner Bay Yacht Club (from near Nanoose of Vancouver Island) were having their Summer Solstice cruise weekend and many of their club boats were descending upon us. We are asked to take a raft alongside, but instead offered to move and anchor out -- which we prefer anyway. In return we were made honorary club members and invited to the dock party later that afternoon.

Happy Hour with the Schooner Bay Yacht Club

Our anchorage was spectacular! We had 7 waterfalls on our port side and Chatterbox Falls -- the big on -- on our starboard side. We anchored and stern tied to the shore (thanks Paul for buying that spool of line for us!) We returned to the dock to join Happy Hour with the SBYC and then returned to have dinner aboard Acappella.

Anchored out and stern tied by our own private waterfall

The morning was overcast but it was still warm. Dad decided he had to go for a dip at Princess Louisa -- just to say he did it, I guess. So naked as a jay bird, off he went for a quick dip returning to the boat rather quickly I might add. No picture of this, as you will agree....

Leaving the Inlet, and through the slightly roiling Mailbu Falls, we made our way down Princess Royal Reach and found the amazing Indian Pictograms on the rocks.

Indian Pictographs about 2 Miles from Patrick Point, Princess Royal Reach NW side

Now out in Malaspina Strait, we found it somewhat lumpy but knew by the weather that it would flatten out by early afternoon so we put in to McRae Bay a lovely little spot on the Sunshine Coast. We lazed about for a few hours and then made our way up to Westview (Powell River) under satin smooth waters and glorious sunshine.

And here we are today in Westview -- me at an internet cafe and Richard in search of a new part for the controller on the anchor winch -- we discovered that the switch to bring up the anchor stopped working at our last anchorage so a repair is needed.

Catching up with the kids who are now in cellular range, we find our youngest grandson Wesley is now walking -- and, appropriately had his first several steps captured at the Scandinavian Cultural Festival -- I think he wanted to chase after his ancestors -- the Vikings!

1 comment:

Will Tomkinson said...

Oh Wow. It all seems so lovely. We are packing and arranging, really, we just need to be thinking about our next paperback and deciding whether to wear clothes!

U Go Fogies!