Thursday, May 29, 2008

And We're Off ... I think !!

Well now, it's Thursday and the Captain said I could go get the fresh meat and veggies so that must mean that we are leaving today sometime. Our first destination may be Hope Island (for those that have visited, you know that Hope Island is just around the corner from where we live).....

We have to clear customs for Canada at Pender Island and then we'll spend the first week in the Gulf Islands.

If we get a late start, we'll likely overnight at Friday Harbor on San Juan Island. We hope to see Will, Bree, Solomon and Wesley at Ganges Harbor (Saltspring Island) on June 6th for two nights or so and then Paul, Buffy, Matthew and Simon will meet us in Naniamo June 11th for a week. Jocelyn has had some rumblings that she might meet up with us but I haven't heard anything firm. She's busy completing her thesis work, which she plans to defend in July. I heard from Steve that Leslie was away in Edmonton this week on a business trip. Couldn't they send her somewhere a little more exotic, like oh, Fort Lauderdale, Florida or....

Could be the last post for a while but if it isn't, you know we're still at the dock!!

Love to All


Will Tomkinson said...

Best to you both on Les voyages. You will be in our thoughts daily and we look forward to meeting up with you in Ganges Harbour.

Jocelyn said...

think I might come to ganges if I don't start work till the following week. can't wait to kayak! WHOOOHOOO!

but yes, thanks for reminding me. Le thesis awaits.