Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Mr. Big Eyes and Ms. Big Ears

My grandson Matthew is fascinated with the Mr. Potato Head glasses. He wears them about the house and raises things up to look at them through the "glasses". Personally, I think he wants to look more like Grandma.... what a cutie pie!

And here is history repeating itself -- maybe Matthew's Mommy wants to look like Grandpa?

Now, just so you know, history does repeat itself -- Matthew's Mommy had a fascination with "ears" -- another cutie pie.

And the futuristic mind exploration -- I think I see my future son!


Briana Tomkinson said...

What a blast from the past! Great pix!

Will Tomkinson said...

My, what a lot of hair I had for a one-year old. And what a picture of Matthew. Whoot!